'Hiding in Sunshine' by John and Caitlin Stuart

Hiding In Sunshine 
Just finally finished this book I recieved from Influenster to read and review.. It took awhile, I could never really get into it. To be honest it was just okay for me. I'm a huge bookworm but I'm not all that into crime/thrillers/who-dun-it books. So maybe I'm a little biased? Anyway the book started out really, really slow. Like the first 5 chapters where only about him, his family, and what he does for a living. They pretend to be middle class but in my opinion people that live in nice big mini mansions, own patients on computer technology, and send their kids to private school are not considered middle class. So yeah, that kinda bugged me to. Overall like I said, it was an just an okay read for me. The last 4 chapters are the best in the book and if you like reading this sort of book then I do recommend it. It'd also be okay for a young preteen to read. Minor violence and no profanity, I'd feel comfortable letting my 11 year old nephew read it :)

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 I received this product free from Influenster to read and review. All opinions are my own. 

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