Yummylicious Ripoff Rant

I almost didn't review this because I was so disgusted with what I received but I wanted to let you know what a crap ripoff this box is in hopes of saving you some money in the distant future.. This is what was in the 'Sampler Village' April -Mom's Sweet Escape Yummylicious Sampler Box. It cost a staggering $34.00 if you can believe it. There were 14 samples in my box, that's about $2.29 a sample. Ridiculous. I'd never pay that amount of money for a few pieces of hard tack candy and some cinnamon butter spread out here in the real world. Not only that but when I received the box 2 of the cookies were broken and the chocolate Crunch bar was melted. Of course I looked at the sneak peak pictures on the Facebook site before I bought the box but pictures can be deceiving. Very deceiving in this case.. Below is the picture posted on Facebook.
As you can see the person that takes the pictures is very good at creating a 'full' look. Making it seem like you're getting more for your money. After a good look at some of the other pictures I have seen the error of my ways. Anyway, I'm over it. Consider it a lesson learned. Sampler Village will not be seeing another dime of my money, I don't care if they're having the sample box deal of a century. As the saying goes. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...

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